Forests for people

Learn more about APFNet projects in the Asia-Pacific region

Building synergies among policymakers

Learn more about APFNet high-level dialogues

Fostering talents

Learn more about APFNet capacity development opportunities


The First Pu'er Forum on Asia-Pacific Forests concluded with an Action Plan

During the First Puer Forum on Asia-Pacific Forests, participants actively discussed and exchanged information about Sharing New Forestry...

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High-level officials met at the First Pu’er Forum to explore regional cooperation

The First Puer Forum on Asia-Pacific Forests held a high-level segment on 24 October 2023. The segment was themed Sharing New Regional...

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The First Pu’er Forum on Asia-Pacific Forests opened in Pu’er where Global Network for Sustainable Forest Management launched

The First Puer Forum opening ceremony The First Puer Forum on Asia-Pacific Forests was opened on 24 October 2023 at APFNet Puer Forest...

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SANFRI embraces new opportunities

Hanoi witnessed the successful organization of the Fourth Steering Committee Meeting of SANFRI and the Third Early Career Academics Forum...

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APFNet membership comprises 27 economies and five international organizations in the Asia-Pacific region.

APFNet works in the following subregions: the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS); Southeast Asia (except the GMS); South Asia; Greater Central Asia; Oceania; North America; and Latin America.

As APFNet is an organization constituted by its members, it therefore aims to help these members. Its actions will always be guided by the needs and wishes of the members first and foremost.

APFNet helps to promote and improve the level of forest restoration and sustainable forest management in the region through capacity development, information sharing, policy dialogue and projects.


Number of projects: 3
Number of scholarship students: 5
Number or trainees: 16

Publications   More>>

Rehabilitation and Sustainable  Management ofDegrad
Holding Forests Accountable: APFNet and Forest Car
Watershed Management in Indonesia