Trainers in Forestry (TIF) Network


The Trainers in Forestry (TIF) Network, initiated by APFNet since late 2014, aims to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of forestry in-service training efforts in the Asia-Pacific region. By connecting forestry human resource development officials, trainers and government-affiliated forestry training institutions, the TIF Network facilitates regional knowledge exchange and collaboration to add value to the region.
The main activities under the TIF Network include promoting regional dialogue, exchanges and collaboration on forestry human resource development, building regional capacity in developing, delivering and evaluating training more effectively and supporting technical training and resource building at regional or economy levels.
  Target groups
· Forestry government trainers or personnel responsible for skill development and training (including those in forestry training or human resource departments);
· Government-affiliated training institutions that are focused on vocational forestry training and skill development as well as non-governmental capacity development organizations; and
· Forestry policy-makers or senior managers who have decision-making influence on forestry training or skill development.
Trainers in Forestry (TIF) network study tour on community forestry co-organized by APFNet and the Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS)
Trainers in Forestry (TIF) network study tour on...
13 Jan 2019
Asia-Pacific Trainers in Forestry Workshop
Asia-Pacific Trainers in Forestry Workshop...
01 Dec 2016