Alumni network

Alumni network

The APFNet Alumni Network is a self-governing platform to promote ongoing communication among APFNet alumni and thereby foster lifelong commitment to regional forestry development and collaboration in the Asia-Pacific region.
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List of APFNet Scholarship Students (2010--2019 Batch)
NO Batch Economy Name Original Agency University Major Dissertation
1 2010 Thailand Utharat   Pupaiboon Royal   Forest Department, Thailand BJFU Forestry  
2 2010 Lao   PDR Kethsa   Nanthavongduangsy Faculty   of Forestry Science National University of Lao BJFU Forestry  
3 2010 Lao   PDR Vongphet   Sihapanya Faculty   of Forestry Science National University of Lao BJFU Forestry  
4 2010 PNG Jeremiah   Haron Forestry   Department, PMB - UNITECH,PNG BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
5 2010 Cambodia Prak   Ousopha Royal   University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
6 2010 Cambodia Ouch   Kemly Royal   University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
7 2010 Bangladesh Yusuf   Chowdury University   of Chittagone, Bangladeshi BJFU Forestry  
8 2010 Bangladesh Mohammad   Rahmat Ullah University   of Chittagone, Bangladeshi BJFU Forestry  
9 2011 Thailand Preechacharoensri   Chonlanet Royal   Forest Department, Thailand BJFU Forestry  
10 2011 Myanmar Ei   Thandar Bol University   of Forestry,Forest Department,Ministry of Forestry BJFU Forestry  
11 2011 Nepal Lok   Raj Nepal Department   of Forest,Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation BJFU Forestry  
12 2011 Lao   PDR Soukhavong   Metmany Faculty   of Forestry Science National University of Lao BJFU Forestry  
13 2011 Malaysia Rosaizan   Haryani Binti Rosli Forestry   department peninsular,Malaysia BJFU Forestry  
14 2011 Malaysia Iqtie   Qamar Laila Binti Mohd Gani Forestry   department peninsular,Malaysia BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
15 2011 Mongolia Bayarkhuu   Chinzorig National   University of Mongolia BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
16 2011 Cambodia Heng   Sovanchandara Royal   University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
17 2012 Thailand Siriluck   Thammanu Royal   Forest Department, Thailand BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
18 2012 Myanmar Ei   Sandi Sett University   of Forestry,Forest Department,Ministry of Forestry BJFU Forestry  
19 2012 Nepal Digambar   Singh Dahal FECOFUN BJFU Forestry  
20 2012 Vietnam Nguyen   Trong  Minh Vietnam   forestry university BJFU Forestry  
21 2012 Malaysia Noradli   Bin Parsada  Forestry   Department of Peninsular Malaysia BJFU Forestry  
22 2012 Indonesia Arif   Sulfiantono Merapi   Volcano National Park
    Forestry Ministry
BJFU Forestry  
23 2012 Bangladesh Rahman   Abu Zafar Md Hasanur Ministry of   Environment and Forests, Forest Department BJFU Forestry  
24 2012 Lao   PDR Khambay   Khamphilavong National   University of Laos BJFU Forestry  
25 2013 Lao   PDR Souphida   Chanthakhad
Division   of Post and Telecommunications, Vientiane province, Lao PDR
    (Bachelor Degree in Forestry)
BJFU Forestry  
26 2013 PNG Vesters   Palo PNG   Forest Authority BJFU Forestry  
27 2013 Myanmar Kyaw   Myo Linn
Myanmar   Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
28 2013 Mexico Ronquillo-   Gorgua, Noe
Forest   Services and Assessments Company of Mexico BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
29 2013 Mexico Juan   Regino Maldonado
National   Polytechnic Institute of Mexico BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
30 2014 Myanmar Kay   Zin Than Forest   Research Institute BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
31 2014 Myanmar Kyaw   Thu Moe Department   of Forest,Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
32 2014 Malaysia Izaidah   Binti Talib Forest   Department Peninsular Malaysia BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
33 2014 Nepal Shovit   Koirala  Nepal   Agroforestry Seed Co-operative Ltd.(NAFSCOL) BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
34 2014 Lao   PDR Vongkhamheng   Chansack Ministry   of Natural Resource and Environment, Department of Forest Resource management   Lao PDR BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
35 2014 Lao   PDR Sythud   Phimmachanh Department   of Forest Resource Management, Lao PDR BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
36 2014 Mongolia Gunjargal   Balt  National   University of Mangolia BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
37 2014 Malaysia Nor   Halizah Binti Abd. Halim Forestry   department peninsular,Malaysia NJFU Forestry



38 2014 Myanmar Tet   Nay Tun Ministry   of Environmental Conservation and Forestry,Forest Department NJFU Forestry


39 2014 Nepal Daya   Ram Poudel Government   of Nepal, Department of Forest NJFU Forestry


40 2014 Nepal Kishor   Rimal Federation   of Community Forestry Users Nepal NJFU Forestry


41 2014 Lao   PDR Bounpasakxay   Khamphoumi Ministry   of Agriculture and Forestry NJFU Forestry


42 2014 Mongolia Batchimeg   Batbold Specialized   Inspection Agency of Mongolian NJFU Environmental   Engineering


43 2014 PNG Rabbie   Lalo PNG   Forest Authority NJFU Forestry


44 2014 Pakistan Muhammad   Ramzan University   of Agriculture NJFU Forestry


45 2014 Pakistan Uzma   Najam Pakistan   Red Crescent Society NJFU Environmental   Engineering


46 2015 Myanmar Theint   Theint Tun Forest   Department, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)


47 2015 Myanmar Aye   Chan Ko Ko Dry   Zone Greening Department, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)


48 2015 Nepal Debendra   Bhandari Department   of Forests, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)


49 2015 Nepal Bhojraj   Pathak Department   of Forests, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)


50 2015 Mongolia Maralgoo   Ganbat N/A BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
51 2015 Mongolia Khulan   Myagmar National   University of Mongolia BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)


52 2015 Cambodia Mang   Tukla Cambodia   Forestry Administration BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)  
53 2015 Sri   Lanka E.M.P.B.   Ekanayake Department   of Forests Conservation of Sri Lanka BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management(FEM)


54 2015 Myanmar Sai   Tay Zar Myo Extraction   Department, Myanmar Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Environmental Conservation   and Forestry NJFU Forestry


55 2015 Lao   PDR Phomsanh   Chantharangsone Faculty   of Forestry Science-National University of Laos NJFU Forestry


56 2015 Mongolia Baigali   Bayarkhuu National   University of Mongolia NJFU Environmental   Engineering   
57 2015 Lao   PDR Souvanthone   Douangphachanh  Faculty   of Agriculture and Environment, Savannakhet University NJFU Environmental   Engineering


58 2016  Thailand Intongkaew   Wisuthra  Royal   forest department, Thailand BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management  
59 2016 Nepal Pradeep   Baral IMPACT   Nepal, Maitighar Kathmandu, Nepal BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management  
60 2016 Peru Urriola   Canchari Nadia Nora Pacific   Peru cargo S.A.C BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management  
61 2016 Malaysia Siti   Fatimah  Binti Ramli Ministry   of Natural Resouces and Environment(NRE),Malaysia BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management  
62 2016 Nepal Bhakta   Raj Giri Governmanet   of Nepal, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management  
63 2016 Myanmar Zar   Zar Win Thein Extraction   Department, Myanmar Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Environmental Conservation   and Forestry BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management  
64 2016 Lao   PDR Phavanar   Sombanpheng Department   of Forestry(DOF),Laos BJFU Forestry   Economics and Management  
65 2016 Mongolia Togtokhbayar   Erdene Ochir Forest   Resource & Research Utilization Department, Forest Research &   Development Center (FRDC)-State Owned Enterprise, Mongolia NJFU Forestry  
66 2016 PNG Judah   Timothy Lasavu Mantu PNG   forestry Authority NJFU Forestry  
67 2016 Malaysia Nur   Afzan Binti Anuar Forestry   Department Peninsular,Malaysia NJFU Forestry  
68 2016 Mongolia  Bayarbaatar Soronzonbold Grand   Forest LLC NJFU Forestry  
69 2016 Lao   PDR Phonepakay   Phongoudome National   Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute NJFU Environmental   Engineering  
70 2016 Lao   PDR Khonethong   Soukphaxay National   university of Laos NJFU Forestry   Engineering  
71 2016 Myanmar Khaing   Yi Mon Lin Mandalay   Region Environmental Conservation Department, Ministry of Environmental   Conservation and Forestry NJFU Forestry  
72 2016 Bangladesh Muhamed   Jamal Hosen Talukder  Forest Department, Bangladesh NJFU Forestry  
73 2016 Myanmar Zayar   Phyo Myanmar   Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Environmental Conversation and Forestry NJFU Forestry  
74 2016 Lao   PDR Khamla   Sinthavong Department   of Forestry(DOF),Laos NJFU Forestry  
75 2017 Nepal THAPA, SHIVARAJ National Federation   of forest Resource User Nepal-Employee BJFU Forestry Economics   and Management  
76 2017 Myanmar AYE,WAINYEIN Forest Department   -Range Officer BJFU Forestry Economics   and Management  
77 2017 Cambodia SRY,VUTHY Cambodia Forestry   Administration -Field Forester BJFU Forestry Economics   and Management  
78 2017 Cambodia KIM, MARIN WWF-Cambodia-Employee BJFU Forestry Economics   and Management  
79 2017 Mongolia TSEND-AYUSH,MUNKHZUL Communications   Regulatory Commission-Senior expert BJFU Forestry Economics   and Management  
80 2017 Thailand AREE,SASIMA Royal Forest   Department-Officer BJFU Forestry Economics   and Management  
81 2017 Vietnam NGUYEN, THI HANH LINH Power Tech limited   company-General manager assistant translator BJFU Forestry Economics   and Management  
82 2017 Fiji  Anjeshni   Devi Narayan Ministry of   Forests,Forester NJFU Environmental   Engineering  
83 2017 Nepal Shivaraj   Thapa Makwanpur   Forester’s Society(NEFUG),
    Forest Technician
NJFU Forestry  
84 2017 PNG Jim   Kangoro Menge PNG   Forest Authority,
NJFU Forestry  
85 2017 Myanmar Naw   Thu Thu Win Ministry   of Natural Resources
    and Environmental
    Conservation,Forest Department, Traning and Research Development Division,   Ranger Officer
NJFU Forestry  
86 2017 Myanmar Khant   Ko Hlaing Ministry   ofNatural Resources
    and Environmental
    Conservation,Forest Department, Ranger Officer
NJFU Forestry  
87 2017 Nepal Sandeep   Sharma CARE Nepal,Field   Coordinator NJFU Forestry  
88 2017 Nepal Kapil   Dahal CARE Nepal,Field   Officer NJFU Forestry  
89 2017 Lao Duangsavanh   Saophimpha Ministry   of Agriculture and Forestry,Department of Forest Inspection, Forest   Enforcement Officer NJFU Forestry  
90 2017 Lao Noknoy   Dalasak Ministry   of Agriculture and
    Forestry,Department of Forestry, Officer
NJFU Forestry  
91 2017 Lao Phouthone   Komkieng Ministry   of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Forestry, Forest Inventory and   Planning
    Division,Technical Staff
NJFU Forestry  
92 2017 Mongolia MYADAGBADAM BATDORJ Independent Living   Center for the Disabled People/ training manager NWAFU Soil and Water   Conservation and Desertification Control 


93 2017 Mongolia ZOLJARGAL SAINBUYAN National University   of Mongolia NWAFU Soil and Water   Conservation and Desertification Control 


94 2017 Mongolia GANBAATAR NARMANDAKH German Agency for   International Cooperation in Mongolia/ conversion factor for charcoal   production NWAFU Forestry   Protection 


95 2017 Uzbekistan KHAMIDOV SARDOR Eco GIS   Center,Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization   Engineers(TIIAME)/ office worker NWAFU Soil and Water   Conservation and Desertification Control 


96 2017 Tajikistan DAVLATBEKOV FAYZMAMAD International  School/ instructor NWAFU Soil and Water   Conservation and Desertification Control   
97 2017 Mongolia GANTUMUR GANTSETSEG the University of   Humanities NWAFU Soil and Water   Conservation and Desertification Control 


98 2017 Mongolia SHINIINEGEN   SHINECHIMEG Mongolian   University of Science and Technology IMAU Soil   and Water Conservation and Desertification Control   
99 2017 Mongolia TSEVEG-OCHIR   NYAMGARAV Mongolian   University of Life Science IMAU Soil   and Water Conservation and Desertification Control   
100 2017 Mongolia LKHAGVASUREN   SARUULTUYA Mongolian   University of Life Science IMAU Soil   and Water Conservation and Desertification Control   
101 2017 Mongolia DASHDENDEV   SANJAASUREN Mongolian   State University of Agricultral IMAU Soil   and Water Conservation and Desertification Control   
102 2017 Mongolia NARANCHIMEG   UNUR Mongolian   State University of Agricultral IMAU Soil   and Water Conservation and Desertification Control   
103 2017 Tajikistan SATTOROV   KOMRON  NGO   Umedbakhsh IMAU Soil   and Water Conservation and Desertification Control   
104 2018 Vietnam Thi Thao Do HT International Trading and Services
Company Limited -Translator
BFU Forestry Economics and Management(FEM)  
105 2018 Bangladesh Jitendra Chakma Hebei university - Student BFU Forestry Economics and Management(FEM)  
106 2018 Vietnam Thi Hong Nguyen Apax Holdings Joint Stock Company -
Branch Operations Manager
BFU Forestry Economics and Management(FEM)  
107 2018 Cambodia Naro Say Forestry Administration of Cambodia -
Research Assistant
BFU Forestry Economics and Management(FEM)  
108 2018 Thailand Rabieb Srigongpan Royal Forest Department -
Forestry Technical Officer
BFU Forestry Economics and Management(FEM)  
109 2018 Myanmar Ni Zin Phoo Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environmental Conservation,
Ranger Officer
NFU Forestry  
110 2018 Myanmar Phyo Min Han Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environmental Conservation,
Ranger Officer
NFU Forestry  
111 2018 Myanmar Soe Soe New Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environmental Conservation,
Staff Officer
NFU Forestry  
112 2018 Indonesia Indra Yudistira Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Republic of Indonesia, Data Analyst
NFU Forestry  
113 2018 Nepal Manjit Bista Government of Nepal, Department of
National Parks and Wildlife Conservation,
NFU Forestry  
114 2018 Lao PDR Phitsamai Dalalom Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,
Department of Forestry, Division of National
Protected Area, Forest officer
NFU Forestry  
115 2018 Thailand Atcharaporn Daisai RECOFTC, Communication and Information Management officer NFU Forestry  
116 2018 Peru Badys Chuquizuta Del Castilo Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon  NFU Environmental Engineering  
117 2018 Cambodia Bunly Chum Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust,
NGO Staff
NFU Environmental Engineering  
118 2018 Mongolia Byambadolgor Batdorj Institute of Geography and Geo-Ecology,
Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Researcher
NFU Environmental Engineering  
119 2018 Tajikistan ZHOLA SEBARGAEVA Sheraton Administration NWAFU Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control  
120 2018 Tajikistan MAVISIM NAZARBUNOV Tajikistan Agrarian University student NWAFU Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control  
121 2018 Tajikistan KHAMROZ TOSHMAMADOV Tajikistan Agrarian University student NWAFU Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control  
122 2018 Cambodia KIN SAOTHOU Argo-Agriculture Farm  Farm manager NWAFU Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control  
123 2018 Uzbekistan  SHADIBEKOVA MAKHIYO  Private Pharmacy Assistant NWAFU Forest Protection  
124 2018 Mongolia ORDRENTSEN LKHAGVAJARGAL National University of Mongolia Reserach assistant  NWAFU Forest Protection  
125 2019 Lao PDR THONGSOUK SOMPOUVISET Student of Northwest A&F University  NWAFU Environmental Engineering  
126 2019 Cambodia CHESDA KHOT Government Official, Forest Administration  NWAFU Forestry  
127 2019 Tajikistan FAYZMAMAD DA VLATBEKOV Student of Northwest A&F University  NWAFU Agricultural Economics and Management


128 2019 Bangladesh MILON BARMON BI Research Institute NWAFU soil and water conservation  
129 2019 Uzbekistan SAMANDAR IKROMOV Tashkent State Agrarian University NWAFU Forestry Protection   
130 2019 Uzbekistan SHOKHRUKH TUKHTASINOV Tashkent State Agrarian University NWAFU Forestry Protection   
131 2019 Tajikistan NURALI MEKHRBONU Tajik Agrarian University NWAFU Soil and Water Conservation   
132 2019 Tajikistan SHAMIL NAVRUZOV Khorog State University  NWAFU Forestry Protection   
133 2019 Myanmar SAW MAUNG THEIM Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservaton NFU Environmental Engineering  
134 2019 Myanmar HEINN KHANT Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservaton NFU Forestry   
135 2019 Myanmar NAY AUNG Forestry department,Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation  NFU Forestry   
136 2019 Myanmar PHYO SAN  Ministry of Natrual Resoures and Environmental Conservation NFU Forestry   
137 2019 Nepal SUWASH KUNWAR Government of Nepal, Ministry of Forests and Environment NFU Forestry  
138 2019 Myanmar ZIN WIN LATT University of Forestry and Environmental Science NFU Forestry  
139 2019 Nepal DINESH SATYAL Government of Nepal ,Ministry of forests and environment NFU Forestry  
140 2019 Myanmar NAY YU Forest Department,Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation NFU Forestry  
141 2019 Lao PDR LEE XIONG Northern Agriculture and Forestry college NFU Forestry  
142 2019 Lao PDR VISEUY INDAVONG Faculty of Forest Science, National University of Laos NFU Forestry  
145 2019 Myanmar THURA HTIKE AUNG Forest Department,Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation NFU Forestry  
146 2019 Bangladesh SAJJAD HOSSAIN SHOZIB Lighter Youth Foundation,Human Resources  NFU Environmental Engineering  
147 2019 Myanmar ZIN MYO HTET Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation NFU Forest Management  
148 2019 Myanmar KYI LWIN  Assistant Director, Environmental Conservation Department NFU Environmental Engineering  
149 2019 Malaysia Nor Halizah Binti Abd. Halim Forestry department peninsular,Malaysia NFU Forestry  
150 2019 Cambodia VANNAK CHROEK Creative Green Design BFU Forestry Economics and Management(FEM)  
151 2019 Myanmar AUNG WUNNA TUNTUN Environmental Conservation Department BFU Forestry Economics and Management(FEM)  
152 2019 Bangladesh SOURAV CHAKMA Sundarbans Environmental and Lively -wood Security (SEALS) BFU Forestry Economics and Management(FEM)  
153 2019 Bangladesh FERDOUSI JANNATUL Ministry of Education BFU Forestry Economics and Management(FEM)  
154 2019 Myanmar WAI NYEIN AYE Governer BFU Forestry  
155 2019 Cambodia SAMNANG SAN Ministry of Natural Resources and Enviormental Conservation NWAFU Forestry protection  
156 2019 Myanmar PHYO WAI  Forest Department,Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation NFU Forestry   
157 2019 Myanmar PHYO WAI  Forest Department, Myanmar NFU Forestry   
158 2019 China Yang Kaiyan   Chulalongkorn University Environmental, Development and Sustainability  
159 2019 China Yang Siyao   Chulalongkorn University Environmental, Development and Sustainability  
160 2020 China Chen Lijun   Chulalongkorn University Environmental, Development and Sustainability  
161 2020 China Mou Junning     Chulalongkorn University Environmental, Development and Sustainability  
162 2020 Vietnam LE THI HANH Vietnamese Academy of Forestry Sciences(VAFS), researcher NFU Silviculture  
Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Savannakhet University NFU Forest Management  
164 2020 Bangladesh MASHELI CHAKMA Beijing Forestry University BFU Forestry  
165 2020 Myanmar PHYU PHYU THINN Forest Department BFU Forest Economics&Management  
166 2020 Bangladesh JYOTI RIZWANA EDRIS O' Solution  Company          NWA&FU Economics and Management of Agriculture and Forestry  
167 2020 Vietnam PHAM THANH HA Vietnam National Forestry University                       NWA&FU Forestry  
168 2020 VIETNAM PHAM THI TRANG Bac Giang Agriculture and Forestry University NFU Forestry  
169 2020 Lao PDR SOMPHAVY KEOKA Forest Inventory and Planning Division, Department of Forestry, Remote Sensing and GIS Technical Staff NFU Forestry  
NFU Forestry  
NFU Forestry  
172 2020 Indonesia ULFAH KARMILA SARI Research and Development Institute for Natural Resources
Conservation Technology
NFU Forestry  
NFU Forestry  
174 2020 BANGLADESH RUKAIA SHULTANA Begum Rokeya University NFU Environmental Engineering  
175 2020 MYANMAR MI MI KO Myanma Timber Enterprise, Senior Timber Ranger NFU Forestry  
NFU Forestry  
177 2020 Lao PDR KHAMLEUXA KHOUNSISOUNTHONE National University of Laos NFU Forestry  
178 2020 MYANMAR PHYU THWE WIN Dry Zone Greening Department NFU Forestry  
179 2020 MYANMAR TIN LAY NWE Myanmar Timber Enterprise NFU Forestry  
180 2020 MYANMAR LIN HTIKE Environmental Conservation Department NFU Forestry  
181 2020 BANGLADESH MD ABU BAKKAR SIDDIK   Shahjalal University of Science and Technology NFU Forestry Engineering  
182 2020 Thailand MONTHUDA SUDDHIBONGSE Royal Forest Department BFU Forestry Economics & Management  
183 2020 Cambodia CHOEUN TIM Mondulkiri Province Department of Environment BFU Forestry Economics & Management  
184 2020 MYANMAR KHAING MAY SOE THAUNG Forest Department BFU Forestry Economics & Management  
185 2020 BANGLADESH DEVASHISH KUMAR GHOSH Center for Natural Resource Studies (CNRS), Dhaka BFU Forestry Economics & Management  
186 2020 MYANMAR AYE THET HTAR HTAR Forest Department BFU Forestry Economics & Management  
187 2020 MYANMAR AYE CHAN CHAN Minoru Keiwa Myanmar Co.,Ltd                  NWA&FU Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control  
188 2020 INDIA SARKAR SUBHADIP Sasya shyamala krishi vigyan kendra                                  Csisa Project NWA&FU Forest Protection  
189 2020 CAMBODIA PICH SELA Cam Agriculture Import Export, Co ltd            NWA&FU Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control  
190 2020 Lao PDR SI XIONG Faculty of Forest Sciene, National University of Lao   NWA&FU Forestry